Al Sharpton protests 'Stand Your Ground' shooting death in Clearwater WFLA News Channel 8 - listen free music online

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Al Sharpton protests 'Stand Your Ground' shooting death in Clearwater WFLA News Channel 8

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  1. Elvin Carvona: go protest in chicago this weekend!! nobody has the right to put the hands on nobody
  2. bleedleaks: If thats a 12 foot distance between Drejka and McThug, as being claimed when Drejka fired, Drejka must have a 7 foot arm.
  3. L. Laurenti: Your response is that of one lacking the ability to reason. According to what I saw, the MURDERER initiated a volatile situation by ATTACKING the Victim's girlfriend/wife. If YOU are a real MAN and another male is seemingly taking ADVANTAGE of your wife or child, but you simply pushed him out of the way, does that give him LICENSE to MURDER you? The victim did NOT have a gun pointing at him. His reaction to get out HIS gun and murder the victim COULD never be considered reason for that VILE law. The victim did NOT PUNCH him or take out a WEAPON such as a knife or a mere baseball bat to attack him. Therefore, let the world KNOW of the LAW that says a person who pushes another AWAY to defend his family BROKE a law. When YOU do, please, PROVIDE the number of such a statute and the date of such legislation. At the end, if the action of pushing which CANNOT be considered neither as a justifiable use of force nor a serious threat that could take away the KILLER'S life the MURDER should have been ARRESTED and TRIED in a court of LAW. However, being in one of states where the JURY pool is always chosen without the inclusion of anyone who bears semblance the VICTIM, getting JUSTICE on behalf of the VICTIM would only be of miraculous stature.
  4. Todd LP: What a racist hack. Here he is in Clearwater protesting a shooting that is going through the wheels of justice at an appropriate pace while over 50 black people were shot by other black people in Chicago.
  5. Rod R: Did he say anything about common courtesy ? The whole situation could have been avoided if they did NOT park in a handicap spot .
  6. bleedleaks: maga
  7. John J. Rambo: Who ever refers to this piece of shit as a “reverend” needs to be shot. He is not a reverend by any stretch of the imagination. He’s a racist piece of shit and if the roles were reversed and the white guy got shot and killed by a black man piece of shit Sharpton wouldn’t even give a second glance
  8. Folk Aart: What this clown needs to protest is the black man's inability to control their violent impulses. Our laws are not the problem, black males are the problem. In addition, lots of blacks who shoot their black attackers are protected by SYG and never face prosecution, so if this law ever were taken away, it would only result in more blacks going to prison for murder. Then we will have Sharpton out protesting, claiming the removal of the SYG law was a racist trick designed to put more blacks in prison for murder. That's exactly what they did when they demanded harsher penalties for crack due to all the violence surrounding the drug. Congress complied, the number of blacks in prison for crack when way up and then the blacks call the law racist. You can't win with these morons.
  9. Rosie W: Both parties were wrong. North America is doomed!
  10. John J. Rambo: Let’s hold a legitimate sign “Al Sharptons life doesn’t matter” He lines his pockets doing his shit. He’s made a business out of it by getting donations from ignorant black folks and suing the city because he got stabbed for running his stupid fucking mouth
  11. Joseph Smelley: Look at your soul man on TV trying to make a name for yourself racing got nothing to do with this again do what you idiots stupid asses
  12. Philip Quinn: No al race does not play a role in it, it only become a role when assholes like you stand up and preach this garbage. Lesson one don't park in a handicap spot, lesson two don't push people who are pointing out the fact that you are parked in a HANDICAPPED SPACE. common sense people play stupid games win stupid prizes.
  13. Folk Aart: True, but the law affects the races differently due to the black man's inability to control their violent impulses. They obviously learned nothing from Trayvon Martin. Blacks are the problem, not the law.
  14. Peter-john De Jong: L. Laurenti is BLM and al sharpton also going protest in chicago? 47 shooting, no stand your ground law, b(l)ack to b(l)ack violence
  15. Clayton Pope: Ol Al & Jesse only color they worry about is $$$$green
  16. Peter-john De Jong: Racebaiter, stand your ground has nothing to do with race
  17. Todd LP: Try typing your rant in English. Moron.
  18. J B: The Pinellas County Sheriffs Office didn't press charges against Michael Drejka (the shooter) because if they did they would be liable for civil penalties under Florida Statute 776.032- Immunity from criminal prosecution and civil action for justifiable use or threatened use of force. I don't think the state prosecutor will get enough traction to press charges, either. The video clearly shows what happened. They can't lie about facts. McGlockton was the aggressor, not Drejka. It was a violent assault on a much older, smaller man. There's no old photograph of McGlockton when he was 13 to wave around. Too many people watch that video and see a clear case of self-defense. Let me preface by saying I'm a white man who holds a license to carry a concealed weapon in Florida. If I was in McThug's shoes and some dude was harassing my girlfriend, being a normal and intelligent person I would first try to ascertain what the guy was saying and why. Then, if he didn't pose any immediate physical threat (which he didn't here) I'd get in my car and take my wife (or if you're black your "baby-mama") and leave. Before I hit someone with the kind of force and violence McThug used I'd be sure it was necessary and I'd be prepared to respond in kind if the man was armed. Since in this case the older smaller man, who was well away from the car and standing still, didn't pose any immediate physical threat, there was no need for escalating the situation and attacking him, even if he was being rude or obnoxious towards this man's baby-mama. That's the law by the way. You can't legally use violence in response to mere words. But I understand why each individual did what they did. I conclude that the white guy was foolish for thinking that he could call out some yarn-headed ghetto queen for her illegal and obnoxious behavior in public of parking in a handicap space without a permit, even though he was within his legal right to do so. A wise white man avoids contact with hood rats. McThug acted his stereotypical part just as I expected - with unnecessary and sudden violence. That's the ghetto code - you disrepect me or my family - I thump you. McThug, however, underestimated the danger posed by the old white dude. He paid the ultimate price for it and died bleeding-out on the filthy floor of the local Haji-mart. A perfect ending for a worthless life. The whole situation was stupid low-class shit from start to finish. I hope the prosecutor leaves it that way and saves the tax-payers the expense of a trial. Stand your ground isn't the problem. Ignorant criminals like Markeis McThug and his baby mama are the problem, and the exact thing that Stand your ground was created to protect against.
  19. Clayton Pope: Hey Al where's your$4000,000 in back taxes you owe pay up chump
  20. Folk Aart: Laurenti, nobody attacked the fat lazy black women who parked in the handicap spot. In fact she was exiting her car to talk with the man if you watch the video, something she would never have done if being "attacked" as you so foolishly claim. You are just another lying racist excuse maker, trying to excuse away the inferior behaviors of blacks and blame a white person for it instead.

Al Sharpton protests 'Stand Your Ground' shooting death in Clearwater

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News & Politics Upload TimePublished on 5 Aug 2018

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